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Build Success Blog Confident Leaders Image by Lisa Fotios for Pexels

Confident leaders create confident teams

Sep 14, 2022

My version of confidence might be different from yours. It may also depend on the day, the circumstances I find myself in, or the challenge I’m choosing to take on. Don’t you think we should broaden our understanding of confidence, the role it plays in determining how we show up and what we THINK we can do?

I’m often asked whether I’ve always been confident to speak so passionately about architecture, leadership and the lessons I’ve learned along the way. 

The short answer is no. 

For a very long time, I was sure that hard work behind the scenes was my place to make a difference. Then I grew to understand that if I had the clarity to see what needed to be done, it would be remiss of me to keep it to myself and let the team or the project suffer. 

Sometimes I’ve struggled to get a word in, and other times you’d need to remind me to be quiet! 

The truth is, it depends on the circumstances. I’ve been in meetings where it’s tough to gauge the mood let alone confidently steer the conversation. Whilst on other occasions, the relationships are warm and friendly and there is a genuine openness to sharing ideas. It just seems to come easy.

Having spent an introspective year in 2021 delving into my successes and failures, and researching other expert viewpoints both within and outside of the built environment industry, it's true, that I have come out the other side with more confidence. I now have a greater understanding of what works and what holds leaders and their projects back. 

Which I’m so keen to share!

So don’t be fooled into thinking that a person who confidently presents to you has always been this way, or that it can’t be you in the right circumstances with the right support. 

I firmly believe that confidence grows and matures with you and it feeds off your passions.

It can also feed off your willingness to ask for feedback. A courageous move in itself! Trust me, this doesn’t come easy for anyone - but especially not for ambitious, courageous leaders. So ease your way in. Start small and recognise that this will benefit your team in more ways than you will ever know.

Where might it lead you?

I am keen to spark conversations for leaders within the built environment. I have written a book that is intended as a pragmatic blueprint to support courageous leaders in pursuit of high-quality project outcomes.

Our industry has some amazing opportunities and challenges ahead, that can use collective wisdom. You can book a call or check out my new book, plus learn more about our resources and services available for every budget with the tabs above and below. 

Enabling your success!




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